Memphis's Top 15 Most Common Flowering Plants
These plants that love your landscape are a no-brainer for commercial properties. They can actually help solve a lot of your landscaping concerns. These are beautiful, sturdy, low-maintenance, no-stress plants that grow well in Memphis, Tennessee.

If you are not already Googleing the beautiful native plants growing on your property, why not? These plants that love your landscape are a no-brainer for commercial properties. They can actually help solve a lot of your landscaping concerns. These are beautiful, sturdy, low-maintenance, no-stress plants that grow well in Memphis, Tennessee. How about learning about 15 of these best native plants?
Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)
The Rose of Sharon is a small tree or tall shrub grown primarily for its showy flowers. Commonly found decorating front yards, it bears blooms in a wide variety of colors including white, pink, lavender, and purple. From summer into fall, the large flowers that seem to appear overnight draw plenty of admiring looks. The Rose of Sharon thrives with minimal care and adds lovely curb appeal.

Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
Another popular small flowering tree is the Crape Myrtle. Throughout Memphis neighborhoods, yards show off Crape Myrtles blooming in shades such as pink, purple, and red. Their tree-like stature along with clusters of blooms make them stand out from other plants. Crape Myrtles can withstand both heat and drought very well. Once established, they require little watering for vibrant color all summer.
Daylily (Hemerocallis)
The Daylily is a hardy perennial that returns year after year to produce cheery yellow, orange, or red blooms. Their flower spikes rise above attractive grass-like foliage. Different Daylily varieties flower at varying times so the display can last for months. Daylilies spread quickly forming dense clumps and asking for nothing in return except a place to grow. They complement borders, beds, and meadow patches across Memphis.
Petunia (Petunia)
Flowers in jewel tones of fuchsia, purple, pink, and white, Petunias light up containers and hanging baskets throughout the summer months. Their spreading habit makes them excellent plants to get from local florists in Memphis Tn for spilling over walls or cascading from pots. Petunias demand little care yet reward us with lush blooms day after day, especially in partial shade. They have become a staple ingredient in many a Memphis landscape.

Also referred to as Pinks, Dianthus produce small colorful blooms atop low mounds of grayish foliage. Shades incorporate cool pinks along with red and white. They thrive in sunny spots and offer a long flowering period. Needing very little feeding or watering once established, Dianthus blossoms present a carefree indulgence. Their delicate charm peppers gardens around town.
Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
Oxeye daisies stand out along roadsides and natural areas with their big white flowers circled by yellow centers. At certain times of the year, fields and vacant lots transform into sweeping daisy displays. These wildflowers seem to make themselves comfortably at home wherever sunlight and average soil permit. A pleasant companion on hikes through parks and green spaces in Memphis.
Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii)
Butterfly Bush received its name due to the number of winged visitors attracted to its fragrant spikes of lavender, pink or purple blooms. Growing quickly into a shrubby form, Butterfly Bushes reward you with non-stop color from summer into fall. They can be grown in sun or partly shaded positions with good drainage, blooming reliably despite sweltering conditions. The nectar-filled flowers bring birds and butterflies flocking.
Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
Masses of sunny yellow Black-Eyed Susans dot open fields come late spring, standing out brilliantly against green grasses. Their cheerful round flowers and separation into petals make them distinctive. Black-Eyed Susans succeed in being tough, drought-tolerant perennials that ask for little care. Their ability to multiply spreads cheerful bright colors across natural landscapes in and surrounding Memphis.
Mexican Petunia (Ruellia brittoniana)
Along sidewalks and below walls, the trailing stems of Mexican Petunias cascade in shades of light purple, lavender, or white. Heat and humidity pose no challenge, only making them bloom more heavily. Their small flowers attract many kinds of beneficial pollinators busy collecting nectar and pollen. In low-maintenance spots, Mexican Petunias establish themselves readily, blanketing the ground in a waving show all summer long.
Lantana (Lantana camara)
Available in assorted flower clusters incorporating reds, oranges, pinks, and creams, Lantana bushes provide months of lively color. They suit sunny exposures and poor soil, flourishing in pots, beds, and naturals. In addition to showy blooms, Lantana features interesting foliage mottled with darker hues. Hummingbirds find the nectar very much to their liking. Lantana's trouble-free persistence ensures its prominent role in many Memphis landscapes.
Salvia (Salvia)
Members of the Salvia genus encompass an array of flower spikes in saturated blue, red, pink, and purple colors. Their stiff upright habit and abundant blooms attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds for miles around. Salvias adapt happily to heat, preferring well-drained spots and average water and are also nice indoor flowering plants. Some desirable types include Purple Salvia, Mexican Bush Sage and Meadow Sage lending vibrancy from spring until fall frost arrives.
Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Coneflowers bring a nice touch to the prairie or meadow with their daisy-like blooms held above tapered green leaves. Shades consist of vibrant pinks along with red and yellow. Pollinators swarm to their nectar rewards while consumers enjoy the medicinal and beautification benefits. With little care, coneflowers fill spaces with a nice airy texture that carries through most of the summer. They prove themselves as tough and resilient plants prized by many Memphians. Get flower delivery in Memphis Tn the next time you think of getting plants for your garden.
Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)
Rising above foliage composed of lacy green fronds, Cosmos waves their cheerful pink, white, or crimson blooms lightly on the breeze and are one of the best flowering plants for pots. They quickly develop a bushy habit perfect for beds and borders, attracting attention with their bright composure. Though not long-lived perennials, seed sown each spring allows Cosmos to return as favorites, especially loved for their simple pleasing nature requiring no special care in the heat of a Memphis summer.
Marigold (Tagetes)
Sunny marigold blooms light up gardens with shades of gold, orange, and yellow unmatched by any other flower. Their long-lasting blossoms and bushy growth make marigolds excellent for borders, beds, or containers. Moreover, they prove themselves dependably hardy and stay lush providing months of cheerful color- surely best to get from a nearby florist in Collierville, Tennessee. Being easy to grow and multiply, marigolds offer high rewards for little effort, suiting many different landscape spots across Memphis.
Daffodil (Narcissus)
While most are associated with early spring, some daffodil varieties produce flowers enthusiastically into May. With their trumpet, cup, or star-shaped blooms presented in white, yellow, or bi-color combinations, daffodils brighten gardens during the transition from winter dreariness to verdant growth. Naturalizing easily in woodlands and lawns, their hardiness allows daffodils to return year after year, bringing cheerfulness and a reminder of warmer days yet to come.
Need fresh flowers but don't have a green thumb? Order beautiful blooms delivered directly to your door without leaving home. A Perfect Bloom Memphis, makes it easy to order flowering plants online or send bouquets for any occasion.
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